Encapsulation Innovation Platforms

Encapsulation Innovation Platforms

In line with its philosophy of innovation, Afrigen will bring novel, differentiated Complimentary Medicines to South Africa’s health care practitioners and consumers, either through local development or partnerships with leading international companies. Our deep technical and research expertise grounded in our experience and highly qualified staff ensures that the products and brands that we select for commercialisation in South Africa meet the highest efficacy, quality and safety standards. Still a new division, Afrigen Encapsulation Innovation Platforms aims to become a leading player in its chosen product spaces.

Afrigen Biologics, an Avacare Health and IDC company, is proud to announce the launch of its Nanozomal™ CBD+, the first ever “from concept to final consumer product” in the history of Afrigen Biologics, and the first Nanozomal™ product developed and produced (not imported) in Africa.

Nanozomal™ CBD+ is derived from cannabis, which has a variety of beneficial effects in our bodies. It can act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, relieve pain, help people get a better night’s sleep, improve concentration, relieve anxiety and restlessness, and reduce muscular tension, amongst others. Using Afrigen’s proprietary nanotechnology formulation platform, Nanozomal™ CBD+ has a faster onset of action and is designed to deliver 15 times more CBD to the blood stream compared to regular CBD oil.

Afrigen welcomes enquiries for bulk nanotech orders.