PRESS RELEASE: EnsiliTech is proud to announce that it has been awarded a highly competitive research contract from the UK Government’s Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) for the development of the world’s first thermally stable hashtag#mRNA vaccine.


Bristol, UK, January 23rd 2024:
EnsiliTech is proud to announce that it has been awarded a highly competitive research contract from the UK Government’s Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) for the development of the world’s first thermally stable mRNA vaccine.

↪ The ground-breaking project entitled ‘Heat proofing Immunity: Pioneering a Thermally Resilient Ensilicated mRNA-LNP Vaccine Platform’ is part of a wider call to develop vaccines and tools to fight the next pandemic. This vital work will be carried out alongside two partners, Afrigen Biologics (Pty) Ltd (Cape Town, South Africa), the Centre of the WHO/MPP hashtagmRNAtechnologytransferprogramme developing and transferring mRNA technology to 15 manufacturing partners in LMICs, and hashtagEmerVax (Houston, USA), which specialises in the formulation of novel vaccines against neglected diseases. Ensilitech will also partner with S-cubed Ltd, who will provide expert Regulatory Affairs Consultancy support.

↪ Dr. Asel Sartbaeva, co-founder and CEO of EnsiliTech said: “Our mission is to democratise access to vaccines across the globe by developing the first fully thermally-stable mRNA vaccine. We are grateful to the SBRI and Innovate UK for being awarded this funding, which will help in bringing vaccines where they are needed”. With a value of ~£1.7M/$2.1M the project will focus on the development of the world’s first vaccine against Hantaan Virus (HTNV). HTNV is responsible for Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS), a serious illness with a mortality rate of ~15%. Over 200,00 cases occur each year mainly in Asia and South America [CDC], where the incidence is growing.

↪ This research is funded as a UK Aid programme to develop vaccines for diseases with epidemic potential in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) by the Department of Health and Social Care as part of the UK Vaccine Network (UKVN). Prof Petro Terblanche, CEO of Afrigen Biologics (Pty) Ltd, stated “Afrigen is excited to be part of this initiative. One of Afrigen’s priorities is to make the latest biological products…


Image caption: Afrigen scientists and engineers completing technical batch runs of a mRNA vaccine candidate. 💉

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